Together, we moved the whole of CzechInvest forwards
Web presentationSign-ups for events increased by 280%. Our events are completely managed in the Kentico EMS system
We made the article translation process 3x faster thanks to automated workflow.
Sign-ups for events increased by 280%. Our events are completely managed in the Kentico EMS system
We made the article translation process 3x faster thanks to automated workflow.
We created a new graphical DNA for CzechInvest in 10 days just before Christmas. This was based on a two-round tender, which Bluesoft won. We also created a complete detailed corporate identity with 100 pages in 30 days.
Again, we received an invitation to tender just before Christmas. This time the assignment was more complicated, namely the complete reconstruction of the website presentation, including design and content within 3 months.
We greatly appreciate our cooperation with Bluesoft, particularly for their quick response time and serious attitude. They are a partner we can rely on.
It is important for us to have a direct contact with our clients. We can consult with you both in-person and online. Please do not hesitate to contact us with your inquiry or further specification of your request.